The word RAID comes from Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. It’s a technology which allows integrating two or more hard drives for greater performance and reliability of data. Raid has different levels (see below) specifically meant for increased reliability and increased input and output of data.
The RAID levels are implemented by software in the operating system and hardware. The hardware type is most common. Since Raid consists of two or more drives, its failure increases the complexity of data retrieval as compared to a single disk.
Disk Doctor RAID data recovery experts are certified by Adaptec and can recover your data even if all other means of retrieval have failed. We specialize in all available raid arrays regardless of the array size, configuration, operating system, or platform of your Raid Array. RAID Data Recovery is one of the most complex recovery processes that we perform at Disk Doctors routinely. Engineers at Disk Doctors take such RAID jobs as a challenge and will get your data back as much as possible.
RAID failure is due to many factors but our experience over a decade shows that most of failures have been aggravated by human error. “Let me try myself” attitude often complicates the recovery of RAID.
Raid Data Recovery Process: Disk Doctors Lab has recovered thousands of servers over the years. Data Recovery process for Raid starts from an initial FREE evaluation stage. Our engineers treat every RAID recovery as a priority. Once the server or drives reach our lab, our engineers will evaluate them and find out the exact issue with the raid array. In the evaluation process, we will determine whether RAID has logical corruption to the array structure, or the drives in the RAID array have suffered any physical damage. Once the cause of failure is determined our Raid engineer will send you a report along fixed quotation for your approval.
Once approved the recovery begins, in the case of logical corruption, our engineer will make a raw sector by sector image onto Disk Doctors' storage media, and then destripe the array using proprietary tools (software and hardware). This process can be repeated several times to get better result.
In case of physical damage to a drive(s), each drive will be taken to Class 100 Clean Room and fixed, and then raw image will be taken, then destripe process will be done on the whole raid array.
As no two data recovery situations are identical, therefore, it is impossible to give a fix price without the initial FREE Evaluation. Generally speaking, for RAID server recovery, price range starts from £199. Emergency services are available 24/7 at premium.
Disk Doctors will put all its resources to recover your valuable data as fast as possible. As every situation is unique in RAID data recovery, delivery time and recovery cost can not be determined until the server is evaluated. The free evaluation is started as soon as we get the server or drives. Depending upon condition and number of the drives in a raid server; in most of the cases evaluation will be done within 3 to 6 hours of receiving the media. A typical RAID data recovery turn-around time including free evaluation is usually between 3 hours to 48 hours. Some server can take more time.
Rush Service is also available on Raid servers at premium; this means our RAID data recovery engineers will work 24/7 and try their best to finish it as soon as possible; which may be done in as little as 1 to 2 business days.
Disk Doctors guarantees protection of your data throughout the data recovery process, from evaluation to handing data back to the client.